League Objective

The objective of the NBBSA shall be to implant firmly in the boys & girls of our program, the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, & a respect for authority. In this way, they may be well-adjusted, stronger & happier boys and girls, to grow to be decent, healthy, trustworthy adults.

To achieve this the NBBSA will provide a supervised program of competitive baseball & softball. Playing rules will be based upon the organization under which NBBSA`s Board of Directors chooses to be chartered, plus local rules stipulated in our by-laws. Directors, Officers, & all NBBSA Members shall bear in mind that the type of leadership extended to boys & girls is of prime importance & that stressing of exceptional athletic skills or winning games is secondary to the main objective.

The NBBSA is a complete VOLUNTEER organization. To make our program a success we rely on the efforts of our volunteers; let us know how you can help.

If you have any questions, click here to Contact Us.