Volunteer Agreements

Assistant coaches are approved by the NBBSA Board of Directors and must have a Rutgers Safety Card on file with the league.  A team parent may assist the team Manager with communications to the team.  There are a maximum of 3 Assistant Coaches/Team Parents per team.  Each Assistant Coach/Team Parent is not required to work in the snack shack but is required to work at the Youth Sports Festival.

Managers for each team are selected and approved by the NBBSA Board of Directors.  Managers are not required to work in the snack shack or at the Youth Sports Festival.  Managers are required to have a Rutgers Safety Card on file with the league prior to approval.

Snack Shack - To satisfy the work bond requirement, volunteers are asked to work 2 hours per child (up to two) in the refreshment stand.  Hours are scheduled online.

If you have any questions, click here to Contact Us.